One of my personal goals this year was to launch a new website, if you ever got a chance to visit my old one you’d understand why. My old site served its purpose but it wasn’t great to look at and as my business grows I understand the importance of having a professional online presence. I know that my clients may hear my name from others that I have helped in the past, but the first thing that they are going to do is look me up online. Whether this means they’ll check Facebook, LinkedIn or just pay a visit to my site. I have spent quite a bit of time making sure that my image is not only clean and professional but that it is also consistent throughout the different platforms that I am in so that my “brand” is readily recognizable.
In fact, I am holding a seminar dedicated to converting online leads to actual sales. I know there are a lot of people out there still holding on to the idea that social media and a web presence has no impact on sales but I know from personal experience that that couldn’t be further from the truth. You really do have to put yourself out there constantly to make sure people know that you’re there, it’s not even about requesting their business but just to have some sort of presence so that when it is time for them to use your services they'll remember your name. There’s been many studies done about this subject, in fact, a study conducted by Nielson points out that people spend about two of their day online, whether it is on their smartphone or PC. It's hard to ignore the importance of internet in this day an age and it would be silly not to help people find your business online.
I of course could not have done this without the help of a few people - as far as the online marketing and website is concerned i've been fortunate to have stumbled upon Design By E. They specialize in helping growing businesses create an online presence with: websites, social media and just general marketing practices. They are really great so if you're struggling or just don't have the time, you should give them a call!
Below is a screenshot of my old website but you I suggest you visit my brand new website by clicking here.
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